How to buy car parts from US with a PO box

Sometimes it's easier to ship from US instead of EU.  This is the method I prefer for shipping for parts since it's cheaper, I've never had problems with tax even If I import larger and more expensive items.  Recently they've removed the charges for consolidating and holding parts, so more savings when shipping out items! 

I use, the interface is clean and easy to use. They have several services available, they have a shopping service as well but with an extra charge.  Just like other forwarders they give you an address. 

After buying an item on ebay, amazon, or other websites you can then input the details of your purchase on their website. After that you just sit and wait for your package to arrive. 
You can either hold your item to wait for your other purchases or ship them out. Hold service and consolidation services are already free so if your not rushing your build then that's a cheaper option. 

I've never had any issues with their services and I've shipped everything from gifts I bought from amazon to shoes, to car parts. These are the purchases I've made throughout the years. 
Happy shopping! 

(the author is not paid by usa2everywhere)


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